Target Audience

Thursday 11 February 2010


This was the questionnaire i asked people to answer

  1. Are Male or Female (please circle)

  1. How old are you? (please circle)

A. -10. B. 11-20 C. 21-30 D. 31+

  1. How often do you watch films? (please circle)

A. Once a week B. Everyday C. More then a week D. Once a month E. More then a month. F. other please state ___________________

  1. What type of genre do you like? (please circle)

A. Action B. Romantic C. Comedy. D. Horror. E. Drama

F. other please state______________________

  1. Where do you see films? (please circle)

A. TV. B. Cinema. C. At a friend’s house. D. Internet E. video/DVD.

  1. Do you like animation or naturalistic films?

A. Naturalistic (human) B. Animation (cartoon Characters)

  1. What sort of issues moves you?

  1. What do you understand of Social Realism?

  1. What Social Realism films have you watched or heard of?

  1. Do you own any?

A. No. B. 1-5 C. 6-10 D. 10+

  1. Do you like social realism films?

A. Yes B. No

  1. What do you expect from a social realism films?

  1. Have you ever felt under pressure from your parents?

A. Yes B. NO

  1. Do you feel that teachers give you too much work?
  1. Yes B.No

  1. How do you feel the pressure on students should be handled?

  1. What issues have you come across within social realism films?

  1. Do you think that your own personal experiences influenced your perspective on these films?

About Me

My photo
AS Media Studies Portifilo G322
Centre Number:64020
Candidate Number: 8214
